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Is There a Way to Make Everyone Loves You?

I guess there is no way we can please everyone, let alone ask everyone to love us. You can still try to make people like you, though. You can be: a good listener a helpful friend a supportive family member a loving partner, but there is no guarantee that you will be loved by the deeds you have done. People are unconsciously conditioned to like or dislike certain things or other people. They have their own perception of what's good or bad, which could be quite different from your perception of good and bad. So... In the end, just be unapologetically you . Stay true to who you are. Know that whenever someone judges you, they actually judge their perception of you. Which most possibly is not the real you. Know that any concept that molds our worldly status is just, well... worldly. Ephemeral. Impermanent. Keep spreading love and kindness. And never let anyone or anything stops you from doing good. Because you can't be perfect for everyone, but you can always try to do your best ev...

Current Favorite Things

Here are some things I've been obsessed to this past month: 1. Van & Camp Life on Pinterest source: Pinterest Source: Pinterest 2. Videos of Tiny Apartments on Youtube    I'm officially obsessed with beautiful minimalist home design!  3. Classical Music My favorite is Satie's Gymnopedie no.1 . I listen to it almost every night before sleep. The song brings a feeling of yearning, like being pulled back and forth through time. Like longing for something happening in the past to be happened once more. Put me in between the feeling of wistfulness and gratitude.  This youtube video is one of the best plays of Gymnopedie no.1. It's actually just a usual Gymnopedie no.1 with some rain sound in the background. But what make it good is the nostalgic stories people wrote on the comment section . Reading those stories while listening to the music is super calming. 4. Weekly English Chit Chat Club It's been almost a month since the beginning of this club. At first, Mbak Zia...


This afternoon, out of the blue, I vaguely remembered a quote by Brad Pitt in one of his sci-fi films where he was an astronaut. But I forgot the exact words. So I googled: brad pitt quote film astronaut.   The results showed up and reminded me that the film title was Ad Astra.  And this was the quote: "I am focused only on the essential, to the exclusion of all else.  I will make only pragmatic decisions.  I will not allow myself to be distracted.  I will not allow my mind to linger on that which is unimportant." He said those words every single time he was about to get on a rocket plane.  Such intense message, right? I was mesmerized. I had this kind of a paradox feeling upon reading it. It sounds sceptical yet encouraging at the same time. But then after reading it many times over, a question struck me: what is important?  Living right here, right now? Living a slow simple life? Living life for a bigger, greater purpose than just clinging to an ephe...


[This was written around 3 months ago.] For a past few months, I listened to a lot of Eckhart Tolle’s teachings. In one of his teachings, He shared the story of his father’s anger issue which made him had to go through a miserable and fearful childhood. He resented his father for that. Nonetheless, at one point of his life, Eckhart found the inner peace and forgiveness happened. He said, “It was as if he has never done anything. I realized he did what he did according to the way in which life has conditioned him.” Eckhart regarded his father as someone who was ‘as much as a victim as myself’.   It is a profound wisdom that we all actually have inside us. Those who hurt as, those who put us into what we think as a depressing life, is in fact as much as a victim as ourselves. What they did was wrong, but they are conditioned to choose what they chose to do. And we also need to remember that it is through them life teaches us to liberate ourselves from suffering. It is throu...

Brief Answers to the Big Questions - Stephen Hawking

  (curhat sambil semi review buku) I used to think of Stephen Hawking as someone sarcastic and bitter as Richard Dawkins. (Kalau ada yang pernah baca bukunya Dawkins, misalnya yang the God Delusion, pasti mengenali kekhasan cara pandangnya terhadap kreationisme dan hal gaib lai nnya. Kaku bener beb kayak kanebo kering.😅) Secara mendasar, sama seperti Dawkins, Hawking pun menolak kreationisme. Tapi, Hawking expressed  his belief about creationism and other big questions humans have ever had in a kind and humorous way. He did not diminish the magical feeling toward the awe-inspiring universe. But at the same time was also trying to rationally explain how this remarkable world works. Jadi kayak bisa bikin pembaca over-optimistic dan bodoh seperti saya merasa it’s okay to questioning everything sambil tetap hopeful about life… He certainly was a lovely and witty man. Dalam bukunya, Brief Answers to the Big Questions, Hawking menjelaskan konsep-konsep theoretical ph...

Life is Happening to Challenge You

Life is happening to challenge you.  Everyday is a process of learning something new.  A process to knowing yourself better.  A process to diminishing your egoistic state. The key to a peaceful life is to give more attention to the present moment.  Focus on being friends with the present moment.  The present is not just a means to an illusionary end.  It is the only thing that is real.


There was a time, when I felt happy almost every day. I was carefree, having the time of my life. Lucunya, dulu waktu lagi puncak-puncaknya bahagia itu, justru aku sering merasa berat hati. Pernah, suatu sore, di tengah menghabiskan waktu dengan teman sambil menikmati pemandangan indah, aku hampir menangis. “Sunsetnya indah banget ya… Aku jadi pengen nangis.” Si teman terheran-heran, “Lho... Kenapa malah pengen nangis?” “Nggak, maksudnya karena terharu hehe,” buru-buru aku jawab. Padahal kenyataannya bukan semata-mata karena terharu. Tapi lebih karena resah menyadari kesenangan ini cepat atau lambat akan berlalu. Aku ingin waktu berhenti demi bisa senang terus. I was addicted to the pleasure. I was always wanting to have more. I just couldn’t stand the idea of experiencing any less pleasurable moment, let alone any hardship. Sekarang, hidupku berjalan lebih biasa-biasa saja dari masa itu. Lebih datar. Kadang juga terasa lelah dan penat. Yet, I am stran...

The Good Place.

Sebenernya aku bukan tipe yang suka nonton film series, simply karena takut ketagihan dan ganggu kerjaan. Yang mana daripada beneran terjadi saat aku nonton drama korea haha. Sampai kadang jadi nggak produktif di kantor karena jam 2an siang gitu ngantuk banget. Tapi, karena libur akhir tahun kemarin aku cukup selo, akhirnya aku memilih nonton The Good Place. Dan ku suka banget banget! The Good Place Poster ( Source ) Secara singkat, menurut wikipedia, kisah The Good Place adalah sebagai berikut: Eleanor, a deceased saleswoman who lived a morally corrupt life, finds herself in a heaven-like afterlife in a case of mistaken identity and tries to hide her past in order to stay there. The Good Place bicara tentang moral ethics dan teori-teori filsafat tapi dibawakan dengan ringan dan sangat lucu. Aktingnya juga bagus bagus banget. O my God. Favoritku adalah aktingnya The Judge yang super cringey but hilarious, Shawn, Janet yang kayaknya layak dapet nominasi penghargaan, ...

Brandy and Acceptance

The first time I heard this song, I wasn’t really listening to its lyric. Aku cuma menikmati iramanya yang asik, yang bikin aku menghentakkan kaki dan menggoyangkan kepala. Kali kedua dengerin, aku semakin tertarik nih sama liriknya. Aku mulai kepo lagu ini bercerita tentang apa. Ternyata lagu ini adalah kisah seorang gadis bernama Brandy. Dia kerja di sebuah bar nearby a huge port somewhere in a western bay . Banyak pelaut yang singgah di bar itu. Melihat Brandy, mereka berkomentar, “ Brandy, you’re a fine girl. What a good wife you would be! Yeah your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea. ” Bagian lirik yang ini bikin aku membayangkan Brandy adalah gadis cantik berambut pirang dan bermata biru. Ia murah senyum, kenal semua pelanggannya, dan sangat cekatan saat bekerja. Everybody loves Brandy . Lalu mulailah lagu ini bercerita tentang liontin yang dikenakan Brandy. Ada nama seorang pria dalam liontin tersebut. Brandy tampaknya mencintai pria ini. Dia seorang pelaut ya...

Listen to Yourself

Apakah kita hidup driven by listening to our truest self dan keikhlasan pada takdir atau driven by kekuatiran dan ketakutan kita pada hal-hal yang sebenernya nggak esensial? Mendengarkan diri sendiri nggak sama dengan egois. Mendengarkan diri sendiri berarti menjadi ikhlas dan merdeka. Ikhlas kalau harus kerja keras tanpa pujian. Merdeka walau denger omongan judgmental orang lain. Saran dari orang bisa jadi cerminan untuk lebih mengenal diri. Tokoh idola bisa jadi inspirasi untuk ambil keputusan. Tapi, at the end of the day, yang paling perlu didengerin ya kata hati sendiri yang sejujur-jujurnya. Bukan kata hati yang mengkritik atau yang hanya lagi pengen dianggap keren orang lain.



Pantai Glagah, Kulonprogo Manusia sering tersiksa sendiri karena suka pakai kata "harusnya". Beberapa contoh: - Dua orang yang saling mencinta, harusnya bersama selamanya... Nyiksa! - Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi ternama harusnya kerja di perusahaan besar dengan gaji fantastis... Nyiksa! - Jadi anak muda harusnya banyak banyak traveling biar banyak pengalaman... Nyiksa! - dll, dsb, dkk. Jika berani menghapus kata "harusnya", maka kita bisa melihat hidup dari perspektif yang berbeda. If the best things in life can happen to us, why can't the worst too? Menghapus kata "harusnya" bukan berarti kita jadi orang yang apatis dan tidak mengusahakan yang terbaik, tapi justru membuat kita punya kemampuan berdamai dengan jalan hidup. Entah saat senang atau sedih, saat bangga atau kecewa, saat sesuai atau tidak sesuai harapan, kita tetap bisa sejahtera, bersyukur, & mindful.  posted on instagram 12/8/2018

Siang di Kecamatan Karanganom

Aku mengecek hape. Jam digital menunjukkan angka 10.47. Sudah menuju tengah hari. Aku duduk di bangku rotan panjang di depan salah satu ruangan di gedung kantor Kecamatan Karanganom. Panas sekali rasanya. Jas  almamater ku lepas dan aku mengipas-ngipaskan tangan ke leher dan dahiku. Dari dalam ruangan terdengar suara koordinator mahasiswa unit (Kormanit) ku dan beberapa teman dari unit lain di Kecamatan Karanganom sedang berbincang dengan salah seorang petugas kecamatan. Tadinya, aku sempat mau ikut masuk, tapi demi melihat ruangan yang sudah penuh dan entah gimana aku yakin obrolannya pasti panjang dan membosankan, aku lebih memilih duduk-duduk di teras saja. Desir angin kadang terasa, kadang tidak, tapi kalau terik matahari sih selalu ada. Kepalaku agak sakit, kayaknya overheat . Aku menyandarkan diri ke lengan kursi, berusaha mencari posisi yang nyaman untuk mengurangi sakit kepalaku. Belum sampai lima menit aku nemu posisi yang nyaman, datang seorang bapak dengan motor...

KKN - Awal

Beberapa bulan jauh sebelum KKN-PPM UGM resmi dilaksanakan, aku bergabung dengan sebuah tim yang berencana untuk mengabdi di Timur Indonesia, tepatnya di Desa Saporkren yang terletak di Kabupaten Raja Ampat, provinsi Papua Barat.

Children and Being Sweet to Strangers

Children sometimes have a remarkable way to give adults life lessons. One of the lessons I get a few weeks ago is to be less suspicious to strangers. Just relax and give your best smile to strangers. Who knows what impact could your smile brings to that stranger life. :) Para siswa SMP suatu SLB. Perhatikan, nggak ada yang nggak ketawa di foto ini. Their circumstance doesn't keep them from laughing so hard.:")