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[This was written around 3 months ago.]

For a past few months, I listened to a lot of Eckhart Tolle’s teachings.

In one of his teachings, He shared the story of his father’s anger issue which made him had to go through a miserable and fearful childhood. He resented his father for that.

Nonetheless, at one point of his life, Eckhart found the inner peace and forgiveness happened. He said, “It was as if he has never done anything. I realized he did what he did according to the way in which life has conditioned him.”

Eckhart regarded his father as someone who was ‘as much as a victim as myself’.

 It is a profound wisdom that we all actually have inside us. Those who hurt as, those who put us into what we think as a depressing life, is in fact as much as a victim as ourselves.

What they did was wrong, but they are conditioned to choose what they chose to do. And we also need to remember that it is through them life teaches us to liberate ourselves from suffering. It is through meeting them we grow into a better and kinder person.


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