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Current Favorite Things

Here are some things I've been obsessed to this past month:

1. Van & Camp Life on Pinterest

source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

2. Videos of Tiny Apartments on Youtube
I'm officially obsessed with beautiful minimalist home design! 

3. Classical Music

My favorite is Satie's Gymnopedie no.1. I listen to it almost every night before sleep. The song brings a feeling of yearning, like being pulled back and forth through time. Like longing for something happening in the past to be happened once more. Put me in between the feeling of wistfulness and gratitude. 

This youtube video is one of the best plays of Gymnopedie no.1. It's actually just a usual Gymnopedie no.1 with some rain sound in the background. But what make it good is the nostalgic stories people wrote on the comment section. Reading those stories while listening to the music is super calming.

4. Weekly English Chit Chat Club

It's been almost a month since the beginning of this club. At first, Mbak Zia asked me to practice speaking English with her. I said to her I'd love it. But then days passed, and I did not actually put any effort to make the practice session happen hehe. 

Until one afternoon, Mas Yoga added me to a WA group with Mbak Zia and Mbak Mayang in it too. I knew right away it's the WA group for the English practice thing.

Sure enough, we texted entirely in English and then arranged a virtual meeting to practice speaking English. Then we choose a topic to talk about each week. So far, we've talked about loneliness, marriage, regret, and productivity. We are expecting another weekly meetings in the future with another deep but amusing topics.

It has always been nice talking to them. I love how this cheesy club has brought us together, especially in this time when we are kind of lonely and bored but can't meet in person.

Earlier this week, we sent each other food without knowing who sent to who. It was like a secret santa game. We thank each other and ate together later that evening. I was filled with so much love 💛 (and martabaks).😆

5. This quote

The last (but surely not least) favorite thing this month is this quote that I've shared on my previous post.

"I am focused only on the essential, to the exclusion of all else. I will make only pragmatic decisions. I will not allow myself to be distracted. I will not allow my mind to linger on that which is unimportant."

-Brad Pitt as Roy McBride in Ad Astra

Cita-citaku saat ini adalah menjadi seorang stoa. ✊


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