This afternoon, out of the blue, I vaguely remembered a quote by Brad Pitt in one of his sci-fi films where he was an astronaut. But I forgot the exact words.
So I googled: brad pitt quote film astronaut.
The results showed up and reminded me that the film title was Ad Astra.
And this was the quote:
"I am focused only on the essential, to the exclusion of all else.
I will make only pragmatic decisions.
I will not allow myself to be distracted.
I will not allow my mind to linger on that which is unimportant."
He said those words every single time he was about to get on a rocket plane.
Such intense message, right? I was mesmerized. I had this kind of a paradox feeling upon reading it. It sounds sceptical yet encouraging at the same time.
But then after reading it many times over, a question struck me: what is important?
Living right here, right now? Living a slow simple life? Living life for a bigger, greater purpose than just clinging to an ephemeral state?
I'm not completely sure.
I think I'll pass the question to my future self. Maybe she'll have the answer later wkwk.
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