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Showing posts from May, 2020

Life is Happening to Challenge You

Life is happening to challenge you.  Everyday is a process of learning something new.  A process to knowing yourself better.  A process to diminishing your egoistic state. The key to a peaceful life is to give more attention to the present moment.  Focus on being friends with the present moment.  The present is not just a means to an illusionary end.  It is the only thing that is real.


There was a time, when I felt happy almost every day. I was carefree, having the time of my life. Lucunya, dulu waktu lagi puncak-puncaknya bahagia itu, justru aku sering merasa berat hati. Pernah, suatu sore, di tengah menghabiskan waktu dengan teman sambil menikmati pemandangan indah, aku hampir menangis. “Sunsetnya indah banget ya… Aku jadi pengen nangis.” Si teman terheran-heran, “Lho... Kenapa malah pengen nangis?” “Nggak, maksudnya karena terharu hehe,” buru-buru aku jawab. Padahal kenyataannya bukan semata-mata karena terharu. Tapi lebih karena resah menyadari kesenangan ini cepat atau lambat akan berlalu. Aku ingin waktu berhenti demi bisa senang terus. I was addicted to the pleasure. I was always wanting to have more. I just couldn’t stand the idea of experiencing any less pleasurable moment, let alone any hardship. Sekarang, hidupku berjalan lebih biasa-biasa saja dari masa itu. Lebih datar. Kadang juga terasa lelah dan penat. Yet, I am stran...